FECC Family News
February 9, 2025
1. Welcome to FECC! We are so glad are here today as we worship and fellowship together! Whatever you may be facing today, especially if you are facing difficult decision or circumstance, you are in the right place! There is no place better than to be in the House of God with fellow believers. As we worship God, our Father, this morning, let us do so by giving God areas of your life where He is asking you to take a step of faith and trust Him. If you are looking for a spiritual home, or have any prayer requests or concerns, please see your Congregational Pastor.
2. East Asia Missions Trip, July 1 -8, 2025: Mark Wong (Cerritos Cantonese) will be leading a short-term mission trip to East Asia. For the last several years, Mark and the team have been ministering to children of an orphanage, teaching English and conducting a VBS. If you are interested, there is an information meeting on Sunday, February 9 at 7:30PM at Henry Lee’s house. For information, see your Congregational Pastor.
3. 2025 Board of Directors: we are pleased to announce that Wes Wong has been elected this year’s Chairperson. Miki Cheng will serve as Secretary and James Hsu will continue to be the Treasurer. Please pray for our Directors as they serve and lead our church.
4. 2025 Preteen Camp, “SNOW Other Name,” (Feb. 21-23) Prayer Request: for the 15 campers and 5 counselors attending this year’s camp. Pray for campers will encounter God in a fresh, deep and life-transforming way. Pray also for health and safety for those attending.
2. East Asia Missions Trip, July 1 -8, 2025: Mark Wong (Cerritos Cantonese) will be leading a short-term mission trip to East Asia. For the last several years, Mark and the team have been ministering to children of an orphanage, teaching English and conducting a VBS. If you are interested, there is an information meeting on Sunday, February 9 at 7:30PM at Henry Lee’s house. For information, see your Congregational Pastor.
3. 2025 Board of Directors: we are pleased to announce that Wes Wong has been elected this year’s Chairperson. Miki Cheng will serve as Secretary and James Hsu will continue to be the Treasurer. Please pray for our Directors as they serve and lead our church.
4. 2025 Preteen Camp, “SNOW Other Name,” (Feb. 21-23) Prayer Request: for the 15 campers and 5 counselors attending this year’s camp. Pray for campers will encounter God in a fresh, deep and life-transforming way. Pray also for health and safety for those attending.
1. 歡迎來到FECC!我們很高興今天能與您一同敬拜和團契!無論您今天正面對什麼,特別是當您面臨困難的抉擇或挑戰時,您來對地方了!沒有比在神的殿中與弟兄姊妹一起敬拜更好的地方。當我們今早敬拜天父上帝時,讓我們將祂要我們憑信心邁出步伐並信靠祂的生命領域交託給祂。如果您正在尋找一個屬靈的家,或有任何代禱需求或擔憂,請聯繫您的堂會牧師。
2. 東亞短宣之旅,2025年7月1日至8日:Mark Wong (Cerritos 粵語堂) 將帶領前往東亞的短期宣教之旅。過去幾年來,Mark 和團隊一直在服事當地一所孤兒院的兒童,教授英語並舉辦暑期聖經學校 (VBS)。如果您有興趣參加,歡迎來參加說明會,時間為2月9日(主日)晚上7:30,地點在 Henry Lee 家中。詳情請洽您的堂會牧師。
3. 2025年董事會:我們很高興宣佈,Wes Wong 已當選為今年的主席。Miki Cheng 將擔任秘書,James Hsu 將繼續擔任財務長。請為我們的董事會成員祈禱,願他們在服事和帶領教會的過程中蒙受祝福。
4. 2025高年級兒童冬令營,訂2/21-23於 Angeles Crest 基督教營地舉行。主題:“SNOW Other Name” 別無他名。代禱事項:請為今年參加營會的15位學員和5位輔導員代禱。祈求學員們能以全新的方式遇見神,並經歷深刻且改變屬靈的生命。也請為所有參與者的健康與安全祈禱。
2. 東亞短宣之旅,2025年7月1日至8日:Mark Wong (Cerritos 粵語堂) 將帶領前往東亞的短期宣教之旅。過去幾年來,Mark 和團隊一直在服事當地一所孤兒院的兒童,教授英語並舉辦暑期聖經學校 (VBS)。如果您有興趣參加,歡迎來參加說明會,時間為2月9日(主日)晚上7:30,地點在 Henry Lee 家中。詳情請洽您的堂會牧師。
3. 2025年董事會:我們很高興宣佈,Wes Wong 已當選為今年的主席。Miki Cheng 將擔任秘書,James Hsu 將繼續擔任財務長。請為我們的董事會成員祈禱,願他們在服事和帶領教會的過程中蒙受祝福。
4. 2025高年級兒童冬令營,訂2/21-23於 Angeles Crest 基督教營地舉行。主題:“SNOW Other Name” 別無他名。代禱事項:請為今年參加營會的15位學員和5位輔導員代禱。祈求學員們能以全新的方式遇見神,並經歷深刻且改變屬靈的生命。也請為所有參與者的健康與安全祈禱。
English News
February 9, 2025
- Saturday morning prayer gathering meets at 7am in DTC Chapel.
- Join Wednesday Prayer Gathering via zoom at 8pm to pray for missionaries, for our church and for one another.
- East Asia short-term mission trip informational meeting will be held at Henry & Jane Lee’s house on 2/9 at 7:30pm. If interested in attending this meeting, please RSVP by texting brother Henry at 714-606-0507.
- Living Life Devotional: You may purchase a hard copy of the Living Life devotional for $6 by pre-ordering it through PE. If you do not mind using the online version, you can access it for free at https://www.duranno.com/livinglife/qt/. If you wish to receive the hard copy of Living Life devotional for next 4 months (February to May), please send your payment of $24 to PE via Venmo or Zell
1. 2025年靈修「活潑的生命」本週(2/2-8)進度:
2/9 (日) 約11:17-35, 2/10 (一) 約11:36-44, 2/11 (二) 約11:45-57
2/12 (三) 約12:1-11, 2/13 (四) 約12:12-19, 2/14 (五) 約12:20-36,
2/15 (六) 約12:37-50
若您沒有購書,請使用線上版本: 鼓勵弟兄姊妹都參與靈修https://www.duranno.tw/livinglife/index.php/daily
2. 團契聯合聚會:訂2/14週五晚上8:00於 Zoom 線上舉行,將邀請晨曦會Samuel 老師講述他的生命見證。 請弟兄姊妹預留時間參加。禱告會Zoom ID:727 011 500, Password: FECCM
3. 2025第一季主日學:每主日上午 9:45-11:00。
教學形式: 要求實體上課
A. 慕道班主日學:D105室
B. 讀經主日學: D109 室
舊約 (以賽亞書 / 耶利米書 / 耶利米哀歌) -
C. 認識聖靈與生命更新- D108室
4. 查經班:每週四早上8:30-9:30,以ZOOM形式歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。由徐天牧師和Grace Chen 姊妹帶領。 Zoom ID:896 2504 2213, Password:444777
5. 週三禱告會:歡迎弟兄姊妹參加,為擴展神的國、弟兄姊妹的平安,舉起我們的手,呼求我們的神,享受神同在的喜樂、彼此相愛,互相代禱的溫暖。 Zoom ID:727 011 500, Password:FECCM
6. 2/16崇拜服事:
講員:徐天牧師;主席: 鄭敏吉弟兄
領詩:黃宗瀚弟兄;司琴:袁家燕姊妹;音響:唐 斌弟兄
禱告會:郭筱萍姊妹(2/19) ;查經:周幼梅姊妹(2/21)
2/9 (日) 約11:17-35, 2/10 (一) 約11:36-44, 2/11 (二) 約11:45-57
2/12 (三) 約12:1-11, 2/13 (四) 約12:12-19, 2/14 (五) 約12:20-36,
2/15 (六) 約12:37-50
若您沒有購書,請使用線上版本: 鼓勵弟兄姊妹都參與靈修https://www.duranno.tw/livinglife/index.php/daily
2. 團契聯合聚會:訂2/14週五晚上8:00於 Zoom 線上舉行,將邀請晨曦會Samuel 老師講述他的生命見證。 請弟兄姊妹預留時間參加。禱告會Zoom ID:727 011 500, Password: FECCM
3. 2025第一季主日學:每主日上午 9:45-11:00。
教學形式: 要求實體上課
A. 慕道班主日學:D105室
B. 讀經主日學: D109 室
舊約 (以賽亞書 / 耶利米書 / 耶利米哀歌) -
C. 認識聖靈與生命更新- D108室
4. 查經班:每週四早上8:30-9:30,以ZOOM形式歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。由徐天牧師和Grace Chen 姊妹帶領。 Zoom ID:896 2504 2213, Password:444777
5. 週三禱告會:歡迎弟兄姊妹參加,為擴展神的國、弟兄姊妹的平安,舉起我們的手,呼求我們的神,享受神同在的喜樂、彼此相愛,互相代禱的溫暖。 Zoom ID:727 011 500, Password:FECCM
6. 2/16崇拜服事:
講員:徐天牧師;主席: 鄭敏吉弟兄
領詩:黃宗瀚弟兄;司琴:袁家燕姊妹;音響:唐 斌弟兄
禱告會:郭筱萍姊妹(2/19) ;查經:周幼梅姊妹(2/21)
1. 2/9早上 11:15粵語堂崇拜後在體育館舉行「感恩有祢/你賀元宵」午餐,節目豐富有詩歌、小手工、遊戲、團拜,誠邀大家出席。
2. 教會兒童部於2/21至23日舉行高年級兒童冬令營,現已額滿,請也禱告記念營會中孩子的安全及各樣的安排。
3. 「咸陽市角聲兒童之家」7/4-7/11短宣招募分享會,將於今晚2月9日晚7:30在英語堂Henry Lee 家舉行,如有查詢,請與Mark Wong聯絡。
4.2/16/25崇拜服事人員- 講員: 何美寶牧師;
主席:Patrick Lai弟兄; 領詩:Kathy Peng姊妹;
司琴:Maria Hsu姊妹; 音響:Peter Eng弟兄;
電腦:Luke Lu/李廣宗弟兄; 招待:喜詠團契。
2. 教會兒童部於2/21至23日舉行高年級兒童冬令營,現已額滿,請也禱告記念營會中孩子的安全及各樣的安排。
3. 「咸陽市角聲兒童之家」7/4-7/11短宣招募分享會,將於今晚2月9日晚7:30在英語堂Henry Lee 家舉行,如有查詢,請與Mark Wong聯絡。
4.2/16/25崇拜服事人員- 講員: 何美寶牧師;
主席:Patrick Lai弟兄; 領詩:Kathy Peng姊妹;
司琴:Maria Hsu姊妹; 音響:Peter Eng弟兄;
電腦:Luke Lu/李廣宗弟兄; 招待:喜詠團契。
Kairos & Poiema
February 9, 2025
- Our free tax preparation service will be on February 15 and March 1. If you would like to help with the service through tax preparation, snacks, or hosting, please contact Pastor Len.
- For those who give through Zelle or by check, please include your congregation in the memo. This will help our bookkeeper in the accounting of donations. Thanks you!
- Kairos fellowships have resumed! Please join a group for mutual encouragement!
- College // Fridays, 7:30pm (last Friday of the month off) // Meets at church.
- Phileo // Thursdays (last Thursday of the month off), 7:30 pm // Meets at the Tan residence.
- Ohana // First and third Fridays of the month, 7:30 pm // Meets at church.
- Family // Monthly on a Saturday, 6:30 pm // Meets at Tan residence.
- Kairos and the youth group are on Instagram! Follow us @fecckairos and @feccpoiema.